Company Profile

ABOUT KUSUM SPINE AND NEURO REHABILITATION (KSNR) With the experience of working with spinal cord injury since 2004, Dr. Virendra Vikram Singh comes up as a mentor to his patients and help them to return to society not only as a better persona but a successful person too, over the years Dr. Vikram has successfully placed many of the patients back to the society successfully and still continuing to working for the same KSNR works on “biopsychosocial” factors of a patient and along with vigorous physical therapy to rehabilitate them, whatever it may be from the finest to the most devastating thing Dr. Vikram has always been there for the people in need. With the same vision of maximum possible facilitation & rehabilitation to the society KSNR was established on 2 nd June 2017 by Dr. Virendra Vikram Singh(PT), along with his team, over 300’s of patients are successfully living their life and earning their bread and butter independently, and living their life with ease.

Reconsider the role of the physical therapy If you are like most people, you think of physical therapy (PT) as the end of the process. After a car accident or after surgery, your doctor or surgeon sends you for grueling sessions to restore function. This aspect of PT is invaluable. But we find that physical therapy is under-used in early stages of injury and certainly as a means to prevent injury.

The physical therapy department at KSNR stresses prevention. It may be possible to see a physical therapist if you suspect injury or are starting a running or cycling program and would like to create a customized strengthening and stretching program tailored to your body type, your age, and your activity level.

Another factor is that it is often easier to treat injury in its earlier stages. For example, a runner experiencing Achilles tendinitis should address the inflammation (swelling) and overuse of the tendon, in its early stages. After two months of experiencing symptoms but not altering your activities to allow your body to recover, chronic tissue change may occur. Called tendinosis, this stage of the injury is significantly more difficult to address. If the tendon ruptures, then surgery may be necessary.